European retailers are facing significant challenges as they rush to secure their Christmas orders early, driven by soaring shipping costs and disruptions in trade routes. The ongoing conflict in the Red Sea has severely impacted shipping prices and created substantial uncertainty in the supply chain.

Current Supply Chain Disruptions

The recent surge in container prices, which had initially peaked in January, has surged again. For businesses reliant on timely shipments, these disruptions necessitate meticulous advance planning to ensure timely deliveries for Black Friday and the Christmas season. Early planning, while effective in mitigating stock shortages, puts a strain on cash flow and requires additional warehouse space to store goods for longer periods. The spot rate for immediate delivery of goods has escalated from $4,500 to $7,500, significantly impacting bulky, low-margin items such as furniture and kitchen appliances.

Impact on Retail Prices

The substantial increase in shipping costs leaves retailers with limited options to absorb these expenses, inevitably leading to higher prices for consumers on big-ticket items in the coming months. This surge in costs is a direct result of attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, which have caused the average cost of shipping a 40ft container to rise to over $4,000, a 140% increase from 2023 levels.

Strategic Shipping Adjustments

Importers are adapting by shipping goods as early as possible, a lesson reinforced by past disruptions. Retailers typically begin importing goods for the holiday season between late summer and autumn, but many are now advancing their schedules to avoid potential shortages.

The strategic rerouting of vessels around Africa to avoid the Red Sea has extended shipping times, with journeys between Asia and Europe now requiring over 100 days. This adjustment not only affects the rotation of container equipment but also results in only 50% of global container shipping being completed on time.

Ziegler’s Solution: London Gateway Warehouse

In the midst of these challenges, businesses face a critical need for reliable and ample warehouse space to accommodate early shipments and buffer against supply chain disruptions. Ziegler’s new 365,000 square foot warehouse facility at London Gateway presents an optimal solution. This state-of-the-art facility offers abundant storage space, ensuring that businesses can store their goods securely and efficiently as they navigate the complexities of current shipping dynamics.

By leveraging Ziegler’s extensive warehouse capabilities at London Gateway, businesses can better manage their inventory, reduce the impact of shipping delays, and maintain a steady supply of products for their customers. This strategic move not only addresses immediate storage needs but also positions businesses to handle future uncertainties with greater resilience and confidence.

For businesses actively engaged in shipping, Ziegler’s London Gateway facility stands out as a crucial asset in overcoming the ongoing warehouse space shortage and ensuring smooth operations during peak seasons.

Sustainability is not just a trend; it’s a key driver of value for our business.

At Ziegler, we’ve pinpointed five powerful reasons why sustainability is central to our strategy:


1. Meeting Customer Expectations

Our customers want partners who support their decarbonization goals. We strive to be that trusted ally by leading the way in innovative solutions and reducing carbon emissions throughout their supply chains.


2. Optimising Operations

Reducing carbon emissions, energy use, and absenteeism lowers our operational costs. This dual benefit is both economically and environmentally advantageous.


3. Regulatory Compliance

Staying compliant with regulations is critical. Governments and financial institutions require transparent sustainability reporting, emphasising long-term commitments to societal and environmental responsibilities as mandated by European Commission directives.


4. Attracting Investments

Investors and banks are increasingly considering sustainability in their decisions. Companies with robust sustainability strategies gain an edge in securing affordable capital. The European Commission mandates that banks offer better rates to companies making significant progress and higher rates to those lagging.


5. Enhancing Employer Branding

In today’s competitive job market, especially among younger generations and recent graduates, employees prefer companies with a clear purpose and a strong commitment to sustainability.


Check out our Sustainability Report 

A dedicated team of aerospace transport specialists within the Ziegler Group is poised to meet the needs of the aerospace industry. Our team collaborates closely with clients, providing bespoke solutions to address your specific logistical requirements and ensure smooth operations.

Handling both regular shipments and AOG (Aircraft On Ground) shipments is a primary responsibility of Ziegler Group’s specialised team. AOG shipments are of utmost importance, involving the urgent delivery of aircraft parts to minimise downtime. We ensure timely transportation of vital components, aiding airlines in swiftly returning their grounded aircraft to service.

Nighttime customs clearance, facilitated by a special agreement with the airport’s customs service, enhances service efficiency. This agreement allows the clearance of essential aerospace components even during nighttime hours, not only expediting the entire process but also minimising delays for AOG shipments, thereby reducing downtime for airlines.

AOG Recovery Solutions

Whether you require short-term or long-term storage, rest assured that your assets will be kept safely with us. Our warehouses are designed to accommodate a wide variety of aircraft elements, and our staff takes all necessary measures to ensure proper care and handling of each item.

Timely delivery of spare parts to sustain your operations. With our ability to deliver parts directly by air, we guarantee fast response times and reliable service. We’ve established efficient logistics systems to minimise delays, and our well-coordinated delivery process ensures that your operations can proceed seamlessly under any circumstances.

Handling your customs clearance can be a lengthy and challenging process, but our AOG recovery solutions include a clearance service. We’ve forged a special agreement with customs, allowing us to expedite the clearance of your goods. This close relationship with customs authorities enables us to accelerate shipments and avoid delays, ensuring smooth delivery of necessary parts and components.

Our 24/7 service ensures we are always available to meet your needs, regardless of the hour. Whether it’s an inquiry, shipment tracking, or an urgent request, our knowledgeable and experienced staff is ready to assist. With their in-depth expertise, they provide a reliable and efficient service, allowing your operations to continue uninterrupted at any time of the day.

Onboard Transport Services

Accelerated delivery for your urgent shipments is available through our onboard carrier services, providing the fastest delivery solution. We ensure that your urgent or high-value shipments reach their destination as quickly as possible by leveraging qualified global specialists and air freight companies. Ziegler Group offers a 24/7, 365-days-a-year service, swiftly responding to any Aircraft On Ground (AOG) situation.

Our onboard transport service is designed to minimise the time an aircraft spends on the ground.

Our onboard transport services serve as a valuable tool to shorten response times and restore operations in the aviation sector, especially in highly trafficked hubs.

With a confident, competent, and clear approach, we strive to make things simple, efficient, and, above all, safe for all our clients.

Contact us for a customised solution tailored to your needs.

Exporting products to Spain can represent an enticing growth opportunity for many businesses. As the second largest country in the EU, access to its 47 million consumers can significantly boost sales and expand market share. However, reaping these rewards requires successfully running the gauntlet of Spanish customs procedures.

With complex and frequently changing regulations administered by 17 different customs offices across Spain, clearing shipments can be frustratingly difficult, time-consuming, and unpredictable. It’s estimated over 25% of shipments to Spain encounter issues at some point in the customs clearance processes resulting in costly delays ranging from a few days to over three weeks.

For time-sensitive deliveries or companies operating on a just-in-time inventory models, these customs delays in Spain can be devastating:

➤ Late deliveries erode customer trust and loyalty in the Spanish market

➤ Storage fees rapidly accrue while goods stall in ports and warehouses

➤ Manufacturing outputs slow or cease awaiting delayed raw materials or components

➤ Rush shipping charges must be incurred to meet delivery deadlines

➤ Expired or obsolete products and materials must be discarded

➤ In the worst cases, customs delays can completely erase profit margins from selling into the Spanish market. So what proactive steps can you take to avoid becoming another statistic?

Securing an In-Country Customs Broker Should Be the Priority

Simply put, attempting to handle Spanish customs filings in-house is a recipe for trouble. Regulations shift so frequently that even native corporations partner with customs brokers for compliance support. A brokerage located in Spain offers ideal positioning to:

➤ Maintain close relationships with each unique customs office

➤ Receive real-time regulation updates and policy guidance

➤ Get advanced notice when documentation rules change

➤ Tap into a formal appeal processes to contest unjustified shipment delays

This local presence and expertise makes missteps less likely to happen. But more importantly, when issues inevitably still crop up, they have the connections to quickly resolve most holds ups. Having a Spanish broker in your corner can convert week-long delays into minor two-day inconveniences.

The ideal partner for avoiding Spanish customs debacles is a logistics provider with integrated in-house brokerage services located in-country. The seamless information exchange and aligned incentives ensure customs needs are prioritised. As an extension of the logistics company itself, they take responsibility for proactively securing timely releases.

Advanced Technology Solutions Also Offer Promise

In addition to a local customs broker, evaluating carriers and logistics providers capable of supplying enhanced shipment visibility and process automation merits strong consideration.

Integrations providing real-time status updates, documentation management tools, and inventory tracking visibility empower you to spot potential bottlenecks as they emerge. Access to digital freight platforms and collaborative portals also streamlines communicating critical information to key players the second it’s needed – reducing delays.

While technology alone won’t eliminate customs issues, when paired with an engaged in-country customs broker, it can certainly chip away at unnecessary stagnation. Every minute saved counts when operating on today’s lean supply chains.

Successfully competing in Spain requires overcoming the obstacle of cumbersome customs procedures. The optimal solution is partnering with a vested logistics provider or freight forwarder that also maintains an experienced in-house customs brokerage staff inside Spain. Augmenting that setup with technologies capable of enhancing visibility and documentation workflows will also pay dividends.

Hopefully, putting a structure like this in place will allow your company to realise the full growth potential of selling into Spain without customs serving as an anchor dragging down operations and profitability.

Our world has fully embraced the era of the fourth industrial revolution, marked by the integration of artificial intelligence and higher degrees of automation across all industries. This digital transformation spares no sector, including maritime transport, which undergoes profound changes amidst rapid technological advancements. With the imminent fifth industrial revolution, driven by climate urgency and the need to make maritime transport a player in energy transition, predicting the landscape until 2030 involves some risk. While precise outcomes remain uncertain, discernible trends and potential risks are emerging.

In the crystal ball of our experience and expertise in maritime management spanning over sixty years, this white paper aims to assist you in navigating this dynamic and sometimes challenging environment while keeping a clear course to better understand what the future holds.



Approximately 80% of physical goods exchange flows pass through maritime transport. The transportation sector accounts for nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, and with emissions projected to double by 2050, urgent measures are needed. The ecological question is the primary trend that maritime transport, as well as its clients, must address. It is integral to the carbon footprint of a product, increasingly concerning end customers, both professional and individual. Companies must consider environmental impacts throughout a product’s life cycle to reduce energy consumption, produce more efficiently, and find ways to mitigate the environmental impact associated with maritime transport.

By 2030 and beyond, ecological concerns are both evident and complex. Decarbonising maritime transport is the top priority, influencing aspects like vessel transformation, exploration of new maritime routes, changes in sourcing policies, and the convergence of production and consumption locations.

Today, two solutions are frequently discussed within the current maritime ecosystem: a significant reduction in vessel speeds, which could disrupt international logistics chains profoundly, and the use of less polluting fuels, like liquefied natural gas (LNG), limiting harmful atmospheric emissions. The European Commission aims to gradually eliminate fossil fuels in favor of adopting green fuels, providing flexibility to shipowners and fleet operators. The clear objective outlined in the European Union’s climate roadmap is a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. This necessitates a radical evolution in maritime transport to meet market demands, become more competitive and profitable, all while being influenced by global trends, technological advancements, and fuel innovations.

What is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a product?

LCA is a step-by-step evaluation method that audits all stages of a product’s life cycle, from raw material extraction to manufacturing, distribution, use, collection, and disposal in end-of-life channels. It is a comprehensive process that provides insights into the environmental impacts of a product.


Sail-Powered Ships:

Renewable energies, particularly wind energy, could play a significant role in decarbonising maritime transport. Wind power could lead to a 20-40% fuel consumption reduction, lowering fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union estimates that 15% of the global commercial fleet will be partially wind-powered by 2030, with the UK predicting 45% by 2050. Various innovations, such as kites, rigid sails, soft sails, and suction wings, are expected to become more common on future ships by the end of the decade.


Evolving Ships:

Ship operations and performance monitoring technology have continually improved. Future vessels will feature a comprehensive sensor network to measure all aspects of operations, including defect detection and identification of areas requiring maintenance or repair. With increasingly powerful ship-to-shore communications, most ship operations can be controlled by onshore fleet management teams. Embracing the Internet of Things (IoT) technological revolution will connect ships, ports, containers, and goods to gather more data for making informed decisions.


However, the digitalisation of maritime transport comes with a growing risk of cyber attacks. The 2018 NotPetya malware attacks disrupted critical systems of Maersk, resulting in losses of $250 to $300 million. The future of maritime transport necessitates a focus on digital security professionalism due to the close interconnection of ships, ports, cargo owners, and various stakeholders.


Larger Ships:

Emulating the A380’s strategy in the maritime industry involves building larger vessels for more cost-effective transport. Currently, the Ever Apex holds the title of the world’s largest container ship, with a capacity exceeding 24,000 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units). Leveraging the cost-saving potential of these giant vessels requires rethinking some commercial routes and canal crossings to use their space most efficiently.


Optimised Ships:

Achieving more ecological maritime transport also requires redefining construction techniques. Pressured to reduce the carbon footprint of maritime fleets, numerous technologies are under consideration, such as streamlined hulls, more efficient propellers, better trip planning to save fuel, and improved hull coatings. Fuel choice plays a crucial role, with increasing interest in LNG due to its potential to help operators meet emission reduction targets while remaining competitive in terms of cost. Other fuels, including ammonia, methanol, and biofuels, are also under consideration. Maritime carriers are obligated to invest in greening their fleets to comply with the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Low Sulphur regulation, effective since January 1, 2020, and strengthened by the 2023 regulations imposing further greenhouse gas reductions.


Shifting Sourcing Dynamics:

Global economic interconnectivity and the proliferation of international trade agreements have reduced import tariffs, administrative formalities, and, in some global regions, corruption, while facilitating the movement of goods. However, recent years have witnessed strong protectionist movements involving countries that were previously champions of free trade and reduced trade barriers. In this context, the future of maritime transport will also undergo sourcing evolution with new models likely to emerge and evolve.

Relocation in Dots:

Behind the façade of globalisation, a new reality highlights our dependence on China for suddenly strategic production. The repatriation of production could secure supplies, revitalise national industrial fabric, and decrease carbon emissions associated with goods transport. Relocation is a subject that intertwines political and economic dimensions, often brought into focus by international events, questioning the robustness of a global value chain previously considered indestructible.

Various international events, from the 9/11 attacks and the Fukushima disaster to the Arab Spring, the Suez Canal blockage, tensions between China and the United States, and the Russia-Ukraine war, have cast doubts on the resilience of a global value chain once deemed unassailable. Relocated production may be perceived as slow and less responsive. Distance implies longer timelines and delays in decision-making. It also poses higher risks of overproduction due to mass production. However, considering surplus, unsold goods, storage, and disposal costs, the question of relocations in France and Europe will continue to be raised and widely publicised but is unlikely to become the norm.

Nearshoring: Bridging Production and Consumption:

Among options reshaping future sourcing and maritime transport is nearshoring. This model involves bringing production closer to the point of consumption without necessarily relocating to the final country. For example, a French company that previously outsourced to China might reintroduce some or all of its production to Morocco. Nearshoring brings back a sense of proximity to decision-making and the market while maintaining control over the production process. It also reduces transit times, transportation costs, and overall environmental impact.

Containerisation: Revolution or Evolution?

Containerisation revolutionised maritime transport in the mid-20th century by standardising cargo handling, reducing transportation costs, and accelerating turnaround times. Decades later, the container remains the backbone of maritime logistics. Still, changes are afoot. The post-World War II era has seen significant shifts in container design, size, and technology, but the fundamental principles of containerisation remain unchanged. The notion of revolution or evolution in containerisation is an ongoing debate. Does the industry need a radical shift, or are incremental improvements sufficient?

While some argue that the traditional container design may limit efficiency and present challenges for certain cargo types, others believe that containerisation, combined with technological advancements and smart port solutions, remains the most efficient and reliable method for global cargo transportation. Innovations such as smart containers equipped with sensors and tracking devices, blockchain-based systems for supply chain transparency, and automated container handling at ports enhance the efficiency and security of containerised shipping. In the foreseeable future, the industry might witness a hybrid approach, combining the strengths of containerisation with technological innovations to address evolving challenges.


Climate Urgency and Regulatory Compliance:

The urgency of climate change mitigation has prompted stringent regulations in the maritime industry. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set ambitious targets, including reducing the carbon intensity of shipping by 40% by 2030 and achieving a 50% reduction in total greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 compared to 2008 levels. Meeting these targets requires significant changes in ship design, propulsion systems, and fuel sources.

Shipowners and operators face the challenge of investing in sustainable technologies while remaining economically viable. The transition to cleaner fuels, adoption of energy-efficient technologies, and implementation of operational measures to optimise fuel consumption all contribute to the industry’s response to climate urgency. While these changes involve substantial upfront costs, they also present opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and market differentiation.

Digitalisation and Cybersecurity:

The maritime industry’s increasing reliance on digital technologies brings unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. From autonomous vessels to blockchain-based supply chain solutions, digitalisation promises transformative benefits. However, this technological leap forward also exposes the industry to cybersecurity risks.

The interconnected nature of maritime systems, including navigation, communication, and cargo management, creates vulnerabilities that malicious actors may exploit. Cybersecurity threats pose risks to vessel safety, cargo security, and the overall resilience of maritime operations. As the industry embraces digitalisation, investing in robust cybersecurity measures becomes imperative. Training maritime professionals in cybersecurity best practices, implementing secure communication protocols, and developing resilient systems are essential steps in safeguarding the industry against cyber threats.

Geopolitical Tensions and Trade Routes:

Geopolitical tensions have a direct impact on global trade and maritime transport. Trade routes, particularly key chokepoints and strategic waterways, become focal points of geopolitical maneuvering. Tensions between major powers can result in disruptions to shipping lanes, affecting the flow of goods and increasing shipping costs.

Recent examples include the Suez Canal blockage in 2021, which highlighted the vulnerability of critical maritime infrastructure, and tensions in the South China Sea, where territorial disputes have implications for regional and global trade. The maritime industry must navigate geopolitical uncertainties, diversify trade routes where possible, and adapt to changing geopolitical dynamics.

The Human Element and Workforce Challenges:

Amidst technological advancements and automation, the human element remains a crucial factor in maritime operations. The industry faces a dual challenge: attracting and retaining skilled professionals while preparing the workforce for the digital future. Seafarers, ship engineers, and shore-based personnel must acquire new skills to operate and manage technologically advanced vessels and systems.

Automation and autonomy offer benefits in terms of safety and operational efficiency, but they also raise concerns about job displacement. Balancing the integration of automation with the preservation of maritime jobs requires proactive workforce development strategies, training programs, and collaboration between industry stakeholders, educational institutions, and policymakers.


As the maritime transport industry charts its course towards 2030 and beyond, it grapples with a complex web of challenges and opportunities. The imperative to address climate urgency reshapes the industry’s approach to sustainability, driving innovations in propulsion systems, fuel choices, and vessel design. Digitalisation promises efficiency gains but demands vigilant cybersecurity measures to safeguard critical maritime infrastructure.

Geopolitical tensions underscore the need for resilience and adaptability, prompting the industry to diversify trade routes and navigate uncertainties. The human element remains integral, necessitating a strategic focus on workforce development to align with the digital future. Ultimately, the future of maritime transport lies at the intersection of environmental responsibility, technological innovation, geopolitical realities, and the human expertise that propels the industry forward.

In this evolving landscape, stakeholders across the maritime ecosystem—from shipowners and operators to policymakers, port authorities, and industry associations—must collaborate to shape a sustainable and resilient future for maritime transport. By embracing innovation, addressing challenges proactively, and fostering a holistic approach to industry transformation, the maritime sector can navigate the seas of change with confidence and purpose.

The road transport sector stands at a crucial juncture, compelled to address the urgent need for reducing its carbon footprint. Various alternatives are emerging as potential solutions, each presenting specific advantages and challenges. It is essential to delve into these alternatives to shape the future of road mobility in a sustainable manner.

Below, you will find a diverse set of solutions aimed at making transportation more environmentally friendly:

Biofuels: XTL and B100

Biofuels, derived from organic materials like plants, offer a more sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. Their key advantage lies in their capacity to decrease carbon emissions, thereby helping mitigate the transportation sector’s impact on climate change. However, challenges arise due to competition with food production and the need for extensive land areas for biomass cultivation.

Synthetic fuels (XTL, HVO), second-generation biofuels obtained from animal fats, used oils, or forest residues, avoid competing with food products.

However, current quantities available are limited and are likely to remain so in the coming decades due to the restricted availability of usable raw materials. The use of biofuels is now viewed as a transitional phase towards other energy sources.


XTL is a biofuel based on the recovery of used oils. This fuel is produced from plant waste, avoiding direct competition with crops used for food production.

XTL, a second-generation biofuel, is non-toxic, biodegradable, and stable over time. Numerous advantages compared to conventional fuel include:

  • Biodegradable fuel
  • No fuel overconsumption
  • No impact on engine wear and performance

In figures, XTL represents:

  • An 88% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to diesel
  • Emission factor = 0.54 kgCO2e/Liter vs. 3.10 kgCO2e/litre for diesel
  • 30% fewer fine and ultrafine particle emissions

Various tests are currently underway to assess the use of these alternative fuels, ensuring they are traceable and certified as sustainable.


B100 is a biofuel produced from renewable raw materials, such as vegetable oils, used cooking oils, or other lipid sources. It is used as a substitute or additive to traditional petroleum-derived diesel.

The use of B100 may require modifications or adaptations to existing diesel engines due to slight differences in biodiesel properties compared to conventional diesel.

The possibility of using B100 depends on vehicle pollution standards:

  • Euro I to V: immediately and without engine changes
  • Euro VI: through a slight engine modification called retrofit for available vehicles, or immediately approved B100 for new vehicles
  • Classified as Crit’Air 1

In figures, B100 represents:

  • A 60% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to diesel
  • 22 kg CO2e/litre vs. 3.10 kg CO2e/litre for diesel emission factor
  • 80% fewer fine and ultrafine particle emissions

Advantages compared to conventional fuel are numerous:

  • Biodegradable
  • Not ATEX and not classified ICPE
  • Less flammable than petroleum diesel
  • Safer to handle and transport


Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) serves as an alternative to oil, primarily composed of methane. This gas can be produced in methanization stations, with BioCNG derived from renewable sources, mainly organic materials, gaining popularity in the transportation sector.

Here are some key points about BioCNG:

  • A renewable source produced from organic materials
  • Compatible with all CNG vehicles (originally fossil Natural Gas Vehicles) and utilizes the same refuelling infrastructure
  • 0.61 kg CO2e/kg vs. 3.10 kg CO2e/litre for diesel emission factor
  • Minimal emissions of toxic particles and toxic or carcinogenic gases
  • Noise reduction while driving
  • Classified as Crit’Air 1

As of December 31, 2022, more than 650 stations distribute BioCNG/CNG in France.

301 refueling points are open to the public, including 224 delivering Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), 169 delivering BioCNG, and 77 delivering Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

In addition to alternatives to fossil fuels, new engine technologies are also being developed:


Electric trucks are emerging as a crucial solution for decarbonizing urban and regional logistics, aligning with climate goals, particularly the binding European rules aiming for a 30% reduction in carbon emissions from new heavy-duty vehicles by 2030. Additionally, the benefits related to reducing air and noise pollution in urban areas reinforce the relevance of electric trucks.

Despite this progress, the operational deployment of electric trucks falls short of expectations. Current constraints, such as limited autonomy, reduced payload, and long recharge times, hinder the deployment of electric trucks. However, initiating the transition now is crucial to meet climate goals and avoid excessive demand in 2030.

Financial obstacles, while less prioritized than operational problems, can be overcome through financial assistance, eliminating the total ownership cost surcharge. Tax incentives, such as accelerated depreciation until 2030, and ecological bonuses contribute to making electric trucks economically competitive compared to equivalent diesel models.


In the race for the decarbonization of road transport, hydrogen is emerging as a distant option, garnering increasing interest despite persistent obstacles. Recently, a hydrogen-powered truck prototype set a range record by covering 1047 kilometres on a single charge, highlighting the potential of this decarbonized technology.

However, major obstacles remain, including the lack of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, high costs, and growing competition in the sector.

Towards Sustainable Mobility

Despite these challenges, industry stakeholders recognise the complementarity of battery-powered and hydrogen-powered trucks, along with alternatives to fossil fuels. While batteries are favoured for light loads over short distances, hydrogen could play a key role for long-distance journeys, offering faster recharge times. Currently, alternative fuels are seen as transitional energies toward more sustainable mobility.

As a forward-thinking leader in road freight movement, Ziegler is embracing a diverse range of environmentally friendly fuel options. Recognising the urgent need to address carbon emissions and promote sustainability in the transportation sector, we have made a conscientious commitment to reduce our carbon footprint. By exploring and adopting alternative fuels, we are actively contributing to a greener future for road freight. This proactive stance not only aligns with global efforts to combat climate change but also sets a positive example for the industry.

For any information request, please contact us:

Key Components of the CBAM Agreement

Check out part one here

Check out part two here


Key Components of the CBAM Agreement – Phase 1


Tariff Structure 

CBAM imposes a carbon tariff on imported carbon-intensive products. The tariff is designed to align the effective carbon cost of imports with that of goods produced within the EU under the EU Emissions Trading System. By levelling the playing field, we incentivise greener manufacturing practices both within and outside the EU. 


Revenue Allocation 

Revenues generated from CBAM will be directed towards financing climate action initiatives and helping EU member states transition to a low-carbon economy. This revenue distribution ensures that the financial burden caused by carbon emissions is directed towards positive climate outcomes. 


Emission Assessment Methodology 

CBAM requires importers to report their product’s emissions based on a comprehensive and standardised methodology. This methodology considers emissions from the entire production process, ensuring an accurate and comparable assessment of each product’s carbon footprint. 


Trade Partnerships and CBAM 

The EU acknowledges the importance of international cooperation and aims to work with trade partners to find mutually beneficial solutions. CBAM serves as an opportunity for the EU and its trading partners to collaborate and jointly address climate change. 


Exemptions and Special Provisions 

The CBAM proposal includes exemptions and special provisions to accommodate the unique situations of certain countries and industries. These provisions help ensure a smooth transition to the CBAM regime and minimise undue burdens on specific sectors. 


Dispute Resolution 

To address any potential disputes related to CBAM, the EU has established a dispute resolution mechanism that guarantees fair and impartial decisions. This mechanism aims to prevent and resolve any conflicts between parties affected by CBAM. 


Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) System 

Finally, CBAM enforces a stringent Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system that tracks emissions and compliance with the mechanism. This MRV system enables the EU to effectively monitor the implementation and efficacy of CBAM, ensuring its continuous improvement and adaptation to emerging climate challenges. 


Key Components of the CBAM Agreement – Phase 2 


Compliance Mechanisms 

To ensure compliance with CBAM, importers of affected goods are required to purchase CBAM certificates, corresponding to the embedded emissions in their products. The certificates are priced based on the EU ETS prices, ensuring a transparent and consistent valuation of carbon emissions. 


Carbon Price Assessment 

Under CBAM, the carbon price is assessed based on the EU ETS, which is a well-established market mechanism for pricing carbon emissions. This market-based pricing ensures that the CBAM tariff accurately reflects the carbon cost associated with production.


Stay updated with the latest on CBAM! 

As CBAM unfolds, staying updated with its evolving landscape is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance and strategically position themselves in the market. To aid in this endeavor, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. Our seasoned specialists will meticulously curate the most pertinent news and announcements regarding CBAM, delivering them straight to your inbox.


How does CBAM work


Check out part one here


Understanding Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a ground-breaking initiative by the European Union (EU) to tackle carbon leakage and promote cleaner industrial production globally. With its ambitious aim to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the CBAM imposes a carbon price on imported goods based on their carbon emissions, incentivising domestic and international producers to reduce their carbon footprint. Its implementation began in May 2023. 


Two-Phases from Carbon Assessment to Global Compliance

 The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) unfolds through a diligent two-phase approach. Initially, the focus is on precise assessment and pricing of carbon content in carbon-intensive goods like cement and fertilisers, requiring comprehensive data on energy consumption and emissions from the production process. This phase aims to incentivize cleaner production methods by assigning a carbon price to the goods, underpinned by guidelines ensuring a transparent evaluation process.

Transitioning into the implementation phase, CBAM mandates importers of such goods to report emissions and purchase carbon allowances equivalent to their products’ carbon content, aligning the costs with the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) pricing. This ensures a fair distribution of carbon pricing burdens between local and international producers, mitigating carbon leakage. 

Compliance is pivotal, enforced through strict monitoring mechanisms including documentation inspection and emissions data verification. Non-compliance may attract penalties, impacting business operations within the EU market. Over the long haul, adherence to CBAM policies is suggested to promote not only emissions reduction but also sustainable growth and fair global competition.


Phase 1: Assessment and Pricing 

In the initial phase of implementing the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), we focus on assessing and pricing carbon emissions related to imported goods from non-EU countries. The primary objective is to establish a fair price for the carbon emitted during the production of carbon-intensive goods entering the EU while encouraging cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries

To effectively assess and price the carbon emissions, we examine imported goods’ embedded carbon content, which reflects the total greenhouse gas emissions generated during the production process. By accurately measuring embedded carbon content, we can establish a charge that properly represents the product’s environmental impact and aligns it with our domestic goods’ charges.

One of the main challenges in this phase is to identify and track relevant data for accurate assessment. Legislators collaborate with various stakeholders to gather and verify the necessary information, ensuring the entire process adheres to established standards and transparency requirements.

During the implementation, we acknowledge the potential effects on businesses. The transition towards full implementation in 2027 demands close coordination with trade partners and third countries, keeping their interests in mind.

In conclusion, the assessment and pricing phase is essential in laying a solid foundation for the EU’s CBAM. By developing a robust mechanism for accurately measuring and pricing carbon emissions, the EU strives to create a fair and sustainable market that benefits our environment and sets an example for global climate action. 


Phase 2: Final Implementation 

Phase 2 of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) marks the transition to its full implementation. This phase, starting in 2027, represents a critical juncture in the EU’s strategy to combat carbon leakage and foster a sustainable trade environment.

A key feature of Phase 2 is the introduction of CBAM certificates. These certificates are instrumental in quantifying and managing the carbon emissions associated with imported goods. Businesses will be required to purchase CBAM certificates, correlating to the amount of carbon emissions their imported goods are responsible for. This approach not only ensures a fair and level playing field between domestic and imported products but also incentivizes producers outside the EU to adopt cleaner production methods.

The focus during this phase will be on ensuring seamless integration and compliance with the CBAM regulations. It involves close collaboration with international trade partners and third countries to adapt to these new requirements. The EU is committed to providing guidance and support to businesses and stakeholders during this transition, ensuring a balanced approach that respects the interests of all parties involved.

In essence, Phase 2 of CBAM is a pivotal step towards a more sustainable future. It not only aims to mitigate environmental impact but also strives to encourage global adoption of greener production practices. As we move forward, the EU continues to lead the way in innovative climate action, setting a precedent for environmental responsibility in global trade.


Stay updated with the latest on CBAM! 

As CBAM unfolds, staying updated with its evolving landscape is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance and strategically position themselves in the market. To aid in this endeavor, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. Our seasoned specialists will meticulously curate the most pertinent news and announcements regarding CBAM, delivering them straight to your inbox.


What is Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – Understanding CBAM


In this guide series, we explore the details of CBAM, exploring its definition, objectives, and its pivotal role in merging climate change policies with global trade dynamics. As you navigate through, you’ll grasp the mechanism’s operational framework, from the initial assessment and pricing of carbon emissions in imported goods to the strict compliance requirements in the implementation phase. The guide reveals the key components of the CBAM agreement, shedding light on the tariff structure, revenue allocation, compliance mechanisms, and much more. With this key information you will have a holistic view of the mechanism’s impact on the EU’s trade relations and its broader implications on the global effort to combat climate change. 


What is Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – Understanding CBAM


Definition and Objectives of CBAM


The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is an innovative mechanism introduced by the European Union (EU) to address the challenges of climate change and carbon emissions. CBAM aims to put a fair price on carbon emissions generated during the production of specific goods imported into the EU and promote cleaner industrial production in non-EU countries. This mechanism is designed to address the issue of carbon leakage, which occurs when companies move their production to countries with lower emissions standards, leading to an increase in global emissions levels.

One of the primary objectives of CBAM is to ensure that industries within the EU and importing goods into the EU face the same carbon costs. As a result, the EU intends to level the playing field for businesses and avoid the risk of carbon leakage while encouraging cleaner production worldwide. 


Significance in the climate change and global trade arena 


CBAM plays a crucial role in the context of climate change and global trade. By putting a price on carbon emissions, the mechanism incentivises industries to adopt cleaner and more sustainable production methods, thus contributing to the broader global effort to combat climate change. Furthermore, CBAM sends a strong signal to trading partners that the EU is serious about acting on emissions and encourages them to adopt similar measures to decarbonise their industries.

In the global trade arena, CBAM has sparked debate about whether it is compatible with international trade rules. The mechanism may potentially lead to trade disputes, as some countries argue that it is a form of protectionism. However, the EU maintains that CBAM is designed to promote a level playing field for businesses and is in line with World Trade Organisation rules.

Overall, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is an important tool in the EU’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote a sustainable global economy. As the mechanism is implemented, businesses must adapt to these new regulations and ensure compliance with CBAM requirements. 


Stay updated with the latest on CBAM! 


As CBAM unfolds, staying updated with its evolving landscape is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance and strategically position themselves in the market. To aid in this endeavor, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter. Our seasoned specialists will meticulously curate the most pertinent news and announcements regarding CBAM, delivering them straight to your inbox.



In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, the role of logistics has never been more crucial.
That’s why we compiled this e-book as a fully comprehensive guide to understanding the pivotal role that logistics plays in the success of e-commerce businesses. Whether you’re a small startup or a medium-sized enterprise, the challenges of the industry are numerous. But fear not, for this e-book will show you how to navigate these challenges and how to thrive with the support of your professional logistics partner.

The following guide will explain the critical role of logistics in e-commerce, break down the challenges faced by small and medium-sized e-commerce companies, outline ways to deal with them, and show you how to choose the best logistics partners. 

Enjoy your reading!