Help us enhance the Ziegler Group website’s security. Report bugs and vulnerabilities you discover, and join our commitment to providing a safe online experience for all users. Your contribution is invaluable.

Reporting Bugs and Vulnerabilities

Thank you for your commitment to improving the security of our services. We believe that every contribution to the discovery and reporting of bugs is of immense value. Our goal is to provide the highest level of security for our users, so we encourage you to report any bugs and vulnerabilities you may come across.

How to Report Bugs:

If you have found a bug or a potential vulnerability in our services, please provide a detailed description of the issue and the steps necessary to verify it. We encourage you to report both security-related issues and any other bugs that may affect the quality of our services.

Bug Reporting Email Address:
To report a bug or vulnerability, please send an email to:

Our Commitment:

Reported bugs and vulnerabilities are treated with the utmost priority. Our security team will verify the report and take the necessary steps to resolve the issue. We respect your efforts and appreciate your assistance in ensuring the security of our services.